Safe Church Policy:
We follow the policies of ECMN and their Safe Church manual.
1) Lockable rooms are kept locked when not in use.
2) All offices have windows in the doors.
3) Child care supervisor is available whenever child care attendants are working.
4) At least 2 adults and/or child care attendants are scheduled to be with children and/or youth (i.e., Faith formation, nursery,Confirmation, rides etc.) This could be a combination of a supervisor and volunteer, or two volunteers. Volunteers do not spend individual time with children and teens. All doors to classrooms remain open, unless there is a loud activity that would distract a neighboring classroom. The same is true for any church-sponsored trips/events off church property
5) Anyone regularly serving with children/youth must be a parishioner at St. Paul's for at least one year.
6) Anyone regularly serving with children/youth have received Safe Church training and had a background check.
7) All clergy and paid staff are required to have a background check and attend extended Safe Church training every three years. They do not "friend" minors on their personal social media accounts. A second adult is included in texting messages.
8) Any parishioner (Altar Guild, Committee Chairs, Choir, etc.) with access to the building is required to attend Safe Church training every three years.
9) Facilitators for outside groups using our building (Boy Scouts, AA, etc.)and who have a access to one of our buildings are required to attend Safe Church training.
10) Any parishioner providing pastoral care services Lay Eucharistic Visitors, hospital visitors, etc.) is required to attend Safe Church training every three years.
11) All people taking Safe Church training are reminded of their responsibility, by virtue of our Baptismal Covenant, to inform their supervisor and/or clergy of any suspected abuse.
12) Ushers do a ‘walk through’ of the building/classrooms twice during church services
13) Emergency plans for fire, medical, severe weather, violent intruder and child safety are included in Safe Church training and a summary of the plans is located on the Safety bulletin board next to the AED and First Aid Kit.