Internet Safety for Kids & Teens Worried about cyberbullying or sexting? Want to know how snapchat works? Keep kids safe and smart, not scared If your kids can download it, play it, listen to it or watch it, look it up here and get a parent review of it
Tolerance.orgis a wonderful website that addresses many of today's issues and how to teach tolerance to our children; issues include race and ethnicity, different abilities, gender and sexual identity, bullying, immigration and human rights has tips on how to talk with kids about the aftermath of scary news
Search Institute Keep Connected practical information about what you’ll encounter across the ages and stages of kids growing up, from birth through the teenage years. The site provides solid, encouraging advice through focusing on what's right with kids (and parents) and not what's wrong.
Talk About ItHere are some family conversation starters that help you talk with your children and teens and strengthen your relationship.
KidsHealth.orghas helpful information for parents and children about physical and psychological health issues.
Table Time Meal Planning for FamiliesFamily dinners are important. Kids in families who eat together regularly tend to get better grades and are less likely to use alcohol, drugs, and tobacco.
Clergy Confidential is a blog by Fr. Tim Schenck, an Episcopal priest who lives with his wife, two sons, a ferret and a dog... which provides lots of comical material for his lighthearted blog. The experts at Boys Town provides articles and tips for parenting as well as the ability to ask parenting questions online and search by age or topic; includes a national 24/7 hotline for parents with questions. Zero to Three is a national, nonprofit organization the supports parents and their infants and toddlers.
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