A great way to connect is by becoming involved in one of the various ministries/groups at St. Paul's. They are listed in categories that match the Way of Love practices for living a Jesus-centered life. Explore and discover your calling.
· Turn: pause, listen and choose to follow Jesus Hospitality and food ministry: assist with preparing food for events and receptions Newcomers ministry: be a welcoming presence for visitors Building ministry: help maintain the exterior of the building House/interior ministry: help maintain the interior of the building Creation Care Team: take actions to protect our environment Safety Team: review and take actions to ensure the safety of all Communications ministry: promote the message and mission of St. Paul's
Learn: reflect on scripture, especially Jesus’ life and teachings Christian Formation: form faith in all ages Bible studies: engage in God's word Libraries: assist adult and children's libraries Archives: preserve the history of St. Paul's
Pray: dwell intentionally with God Care ministry: assist those in short term need/ provide meal Prayer station ministry: pray with those asking for prayer
Worship: gather in community to thank, praise and draw near God Altar Guild ministry: assist with preparing the altar for services Usher ministry: assist during the worship services Chalice bearer/Lector ministry: distribute communion/proclaim the scriptures Music ministries: share your voice or instrument Worship committee: plan worship services
Bless: share faith and unselfishly give and serve Stewardship: coordinate giving programs Vestry: provide leadership for the parish Fundraising: special events to raise funds Budget committee: determine the budget Landscaping ministry: beautify the surroundings Women’s ministry: fellowship for women of all ages
Go: cross boundaries, listen deeply and live like Jesus Outreach and Mission: do God's work in the community CHUM: support the efforts of CHUM 5th Wednesdays: service projects in the community SOS days: Serving Others Sundays service projects Social Justice ministry: work for justice for all
Rest: receive the gift of God’s grace, peace and restoration